
For every machine and agricultural software solution you want to share data via agrirouter, you need to add an endpoint.

In this section you will learn:

  • How to add, edit, and delete an endpoint

  • How to create routes for an endpoint

The Control Center

Open the Control Center to add and manage an endpoint:

In the Dashboard, click the Control Center tile. The Control Center is opened. The endpoint list is displayed on the left. The detail view is displayed on the right.

Endpoint list

Endpoint list

The final points list is sorted alphabetically by name. + You can

  1. Add an endpoint

  2. Filter the endpoint list

  3. Search for an endpoint

  4. Refresh the endpoint list.

To open the endpoint list:

Control Center tile

In the Dashboard, click the Control Center tile. The Control Center is opened. The endpoint list is displayed on the left. The detail view is displayed on the right.

On a tablet, the endpoint list can be opened via the burger menu:

Click the burger menu Burger menue icon. The endpoint list is displayed.

A list entry consists of:

Endpoint list item
  1. Name

  2. Type

  3. Machine class (optional)

  4. Status

Machine pairing

To communicate externally, a machine requires a telemetry unit. The telemetry unit pairs the machine with agrirouter and is added to the endpoint list.

Click the + Telemetry pairing button. The Select telemetry pairing window is displayed. Select the telemetry unit. The Registration code pop-up is displayed:


Make a note of the registration code, then click Close. The endpoint list is displayed.

Click the icon copy copy to copy the code to the clipboard. + Click the icon print print to print the code.

  1. Enter the registration code on the telemetry unit. In the endpoint list, click the Refresh refresh icon. The telemetry unit is added to the endpoint list.

  2. Change the name as described in the Edit endpoint section.

Refer to the manufacturer’s manual on how to enter the registration code on the telemetry unit.
If the machine is an ISOBUS machine, it is also added to the end point list. This allows ISOBUS machines to be selected as either senders or recipients for routing purposes.

Pairing agricultural software

To pair an agricultural software solution with agrirouter:

  1. Launch the agricultural software. Execute the Pair with agrirouter function and enter the user credentials for your agrirouter account. The agricultural software solution pairs with agrirouter. Open the Control Center in agrirouter and click the Refresh refresh icon in the endpoint list. The agricultural software is displayed in the endpoint list.

The Pair with agrirouter function (description may differ in some cases) can usually be found in the agricultural software settings. Further information can be found in the agricultural software user manual.
For a complete list of agricultural software solutions with an agrirouter interface, see here…​

Search for an endpoint

If your endpoint list contains numerous entries, you can search for an endpoint:

Click the Search search icon above the endpoint list. The cursor flashes in the Search input field. Enter the name or machine class of the endpoint you are searching for. The endpoint list updates as you type.

To cancel your search:

Click the revert icon to the right of the Search input field. All endpoints are displayed.

Filter the list

The list can be filtered using the specified criteria:


The types described in the Endpoint type section.


An endpoint can be set to Active, Disabled or Blocked.

Machine class

A Machine endpoint type is automatically assigned a machine class. This indicates the type of agricultural machine it is, e.g. fertiliser spreader, sprayer, etc.

To filter the list:

Click the Filter endpoint filter icon in the endpoint list. The Filter by drop-down list is displayed. Select a category. The Filter by: <Category> drop-down list is displayed. Choose an option, then confirm by pressing OK. The filtered endpoint list is displayed.

To reset the filter:

Click the Filter endpoint filter icon in the endpoint list. The Filter by drop-down list is displayed. Click the Reset all filters icon. The Filter by drop-down list is displayed. Click OK. All endpoints are displayed.

Refresh the list

Refresh the endpoint list if the endpoint you are looking for is not entered:

Click the Refresh refresh icon above the endpoint list. The endpoint list is refreshed.

Detail view

The detail view provides a summary of all the information about an endpoint:

  • Its routing, i.e. its paired endpoints and groups, and their data sharing rules

  • Information about the endpoint and its mailbox

  • Capabilities of the endpoint

  • The machines that are visible in a paired account

The detail view is divided into several tabs: Send to, Receive from, Groups, Details, Capabilities, and External machines.

The number of tabs shown depends on the endpoint type. For example, the External machines tab is only displayed for paired accounts.

Send to

The tab contains a list of recipients. + Recipients

  • Are located at the end of an outbound route

  • Are endpoints and groups to which the endpoint sends data

You can

  • Add add, edit edit, and delete delete recipients

  • Define the types of messages the endpoint sends to the recipient

The list of recipients is not empty even with a new endpoint. The new endpoint is automatically a member of a default group that is displayed in the list of recipients.

Add a recipient

Create a route to send data to another endpoint or a group:

Click the Add add icon. The New routing form is displayed. Click into the Recipient input field. The Select endpoint drop-down list is displayed. Choose the recipient. The New routing form is displayed. Click into the Message formats input field. The Select message formats drop-down list is displayed. . Select the messages you want the recipient to receive, then click Confirm. Click into the Telemetry parameter categories input field. The Telemetry parameter categories form is displayed. Select one or more categories, then click Confirm. The New routing form is displayed. Click the Confirm button. The recipient is added.

When creating the route, you will only have the option to choose messages that can be processed by the recipient.
The new recipient is immediately visible in the endpoint list. However, it can take up to 2 minutes for the route to be ready for operation, i.e. data can be sent to the recipient.
The Telemetry parameter categories form is only available for endpoints that can process real-time data.

Edit a recipient

Click the Edit edit icon. The Edit routing form is displayed. . Adjust the properties of the recipient, then click the Confirm button.

Delete a recipient

Click the Delete delete icon. The Confirm pop-up is displayed. Confirm the query by clicking OK. The recipient is deleted.

Received from

This tab contains a list of your senders. Senders

  • Are located at the beginning of an inbound route

  • Are endpoints and groups from which the endpoint receives data

You can

  • Add add, edit edit, and delete delete senders

  • Define the types of messages the endpoint receives from the sender

The list of senders is not empty even with a new endpoint. The new endpoint is automatically a member of a default group that is displayed in the list of senders.

Add a sender

Create a route to receive data from another endpoint or a group:

Click the Add add icon. The New routing form is displayed. Click into the Sender input field. The Select endpoint drop-down list is displayed. Choose the sender. The New routing form is displayed. Click into the Message formats input field. The Select message formats drop-down list is displayed. Select the messages you want the sender to send, then click Confirm. The New routing form is displayed. Click the Confirm button. The sender is added. Click into the Telemetry parameter categories input field. The Telemetry parameter categories form is displayed. Select one or more categories, then click Confirm. The New routing form is displayed. Click the Confirm button. The sender is added.

When creating the route, you will only have the option to choose messages that can be processed by the endpoint.
The new sender is immediately visible in the endpoint list. However, it can take up to 2 minutes for the route to be ready for operation, i.e. data can be received from the sender.
The Telemetry parameter categories form is only available for endpoints that can process real-time data.

Edit a sender

Click the Edit edit icon. The Edit routing form is displayed. . Adjust the properties of the sender, then click the Confirm button.

Delete a sender

Click the Delete delete icon. The Confirm pop-up is displayed. Confirm the query by clicking OK. The sender is deleted.


This tab contains a list of groups to which the endpoint belongs. Each new endpoint automatically becomes a member of one of the default groups. Click this link to learn more about groups.


This tab contains information about the endpoint and its mailbox.

The Last processed message and Last retrieved message sections contain meta information about the last sent and last received messages. The message content is not displayed.

The data in the tab is not automatically refreshed. Refresh it when you check the mailbox for incoming or processed messages:

Click the Refresh refresh icon. The Details tab is updated.


The tab contains the messages that the endpoint can send and receive. + The supported messages are predefined by the endpoint and cannot be changed.

External machines

This tab is only displayed for Paired account endpoint types.

The tab displays all machines that:

  • Belong to the paired account, and

  • Can process real-time data

Edit an endpoint

You can

  • Change the name and description of an endpoint

  • Disable an endpoint

  • Delete an endpoint

  • Query the diagnostic information about an endpoint

Change the name and description

To change the name and description of an endpoint:

Select the endpoint from the endpoint list. The detail view of the endpoint is displayed on the right-hand side of the Control Center. Click the Edit button. The Edit endpoint form is displayed. Enter the name and description, then click Confirm. The new name is displayed in the endpoint list. The new description is displayed in the Details tab of the detail view.


If you no longer want the endpoint to process messages, you can disable it:

Select the endpoint from the endpoint list. The detail view of the endpoint is displayed on the right-hand side of the Control Center. Toggle the Active switch to OFF. The endpoint is disabled. The endpoint remains visible in the endpoint list.

If you want the endpoint to receive or send messages, you can activate it:

Select the endpoint from the endpoint list. The detail view of the endpoint is displayed on the right-hand side of the Control Center. Toggle the Active switch to ON. The endpoint is activated.


If the endpoint is no longer needed, you can delete it:

Delete endpoint

Select the endpoint from the endpoint list. The detail view of the endpoint is displayed on the right-hand side of the Control Center. Click the Delete button. A pop-up is displayed. Confirm the query by clicking OK. The endpoint is deleted. The endpoint is removed from the endpoint list. All data belonging to the endpoint is deleted.

A paired account cannot be deleted. To remove a paired account from the endpoint list:

  1. Click the Account pairing tile in the dashboard.

  2. Select the account from the list of paired accounts.

  3. Click the Remove pairing button.

Technical support

When you submit a support request for an endpoint, you’ll need to provide the endpoint’s diagnostic information:

Technical support

Click the More icon. A drop-down list is displayed. Select the Display support information Supportinformationen icon. The Support information pop-up is displayed. . Click the Copy to clipboard icon. . Copy the diagnostic information into an email to our support team.

Click the Copy copy icon to copy the diagnostic information to your clipboard.
Click this link for more information about Service & Support.